Annual Status of Education Report: ASER-Pakistan 2016; national (rural)

Organisation(s): ASER Pakistan

Publisher(s): South Asian Forum for Education Development

Date: 2017

Pages: 235 p.


ASER Pakistan strives to provide a snapshot of the current education status on learning as a priority in Pakistan and promotes evidence based advocacy for improvement. ASER collects data at the grassroots levels from each child one on one, and has a comprehensive dissemination process through which it provides feedback to the community and brings evidence back to the doorsteps of parents to help them understand the situation of access and learning in their own homes and neighborhoods. ASER has created a landmark in nationwide assessments through household based surveys covering 146 rural and selected 21 urban districts all over Pakistan. The movement started in 2008 and has expanded in scope and scale over the years. Seven years into the exercise, these skills are influencing provincial sector planning in the post 18th amendment phase, and tracking indicators for the 2030 sustainable development agenda. ASER is referenced for policies, planning, strategies and the legislation on the right to education as per article 25-A.

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