Advancing learning outcomes and leadership skills: briefing paper

Autor(es): Abuya, Benta; Hungi, Njora; Kitsao-Wekulo, Patricia; Muhia, Nelson; Ngware, Moses; Mutisya, Maurice; Njagi, Joan; Mambe, Shem

Organisation(s): African Population and Health Research Center

Date: 2018

Pages: 8 p.


APHRC initiated an expansive research agenda in 2013 to understand the gaps and bottlenecks in learning for young people. A three-year pilot for adolescent girls, the Advancing Learning Outcomes and Leadership Skills among Children in Nairobi’s Informal Settlements through Community Participation (ALOTChange) Project, that sought to identify solutions to reach vulnerable and marginalized young people who are often ignored by formal education systems, was launched in 2013. The second phase, initiated in 2016, aims to culminate with the foundation of an effective and scalable model to enhance learning outcomes, improve transition to secondary school, and inculcate leadership skills and positive behavior for children living in resource-limited settings. Halfway through the project, the intervention has shown a modest positive impact. Improved numeracy and literacy scores, enhanced communication between parents and children, and the emergence of community champions to advocate for the program suggest that the intervention is on the right track. Support for and sustainability of the program has increased over the years, as the community has become more appreciative of the value of education.

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