Autor(es): Gurr, David
Organisation(s): Global Education Monitoring Report Team
Date: 2023
Pages: 44 p.
Serie: Background paper prepared for the 2024/5 Global education monitoring report: Leadership and education
This report will consider some of this complexity through consideration of how leadership in education is conceptualized and enacted, how educational leaders are selected and supported, and consideration of the impact of other groups on the work of educational leaders. I will generally use the term educational leadership but with the clear understanding the focus of the report is on the school sector; much of the writing and research I will use will often be referring to school leadership. Whilst the focus is on schools, the observations will likely have wider applicability to the pre-school sector and to post-school settings that are closely linked to schools, such as vocational colleges and the like. The ideas about leadership work well in sectors that have similar organizational structures to schools and so the paper has relevance across the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) levels ISCED 0 to 5.