A study on assessments of teaching quality in GPE partner countries: final report

Autor(es): Newman, Lorenzo; Pelosi, Alice; Zino, Giovanni; Monti, Giorgio

Organisation(s): Triple Line; Learn More

Publisher(s): Global Partnership for Education

Date: 2022

Pages: 66 p.


The overall purpose of the report is to provide a diagnosis of the state of the use of classroom observation (CO) tools from 2017 to 2021 at the pre-primary, primary, and secondary levels of education across 76 of GPE’s partner countries. This is intended to provide the necessary information to establish the baseline for GPE’s indicator 7(ii) “Proportion of countries where teaching quality is assessed.” Assessment of teaching quality provides a diagnosis of the areas that need improvement to inform changes to teaching practice, institutional support, and policy design. The indicator measures the scope of partner countries who conduct such assessment.

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