What are the impacts and cost-effectiveness of strategies to improve performance of untrained and under-trained teachers in the classroom in developing countries?

Author(s): Orr, David; Westbrook, Jo; Pryor, John; Durrani,Naureen; Sebba, Judy; Adu-Yeboah, Christine

Organisation(s): Australian Agency for International Development; University of London. Social Science Research Unit. Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co-ordinating Centre (UK)

Date: 2013

Pages: 119 p.


The authors set out to examine the strategies that have been employed to improve teacher performance in the classroom in Low-and Middle-Income Countries (L&MICs), their cost-effectiveness, their impact on educational outcomes, and the factors that determine these outcomes. The authors included 23 studies published after 1990 that described interventions designed to improve the classroom performance of teachers in L&MICs. Included studies employed both qualitative and quantitative methods but were required to describe the intervention in enough detail so that its component parts could be clearly identified and had to report on how data was collected and whether any attempt was made to guard against bias. The EPPI-Centre reference number for this report is 2104.

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