The use of learning assessment test results in education policy planning: the case of six countries in the region

Other title(s): O uso dos resultados das avaliações de aprendizagem no planejamento de políticas educacionais: casos de seis países da região

Author(s): Pinkasz, Daniel

Organisation(s): UNESCO IIEP Buenos Aires. Oficina para América Latina

Publisher(s): UNESCO IIEP Buenos Aires. Oficina para América Latina

Date: 2022

Pages: 20 p.

Serie: Regional Forum on Education Policy

Series Volume: 5

This document broadly reproduces the presentation made at the panel ‘Uses of EMIS in education policy planning and management,’ held at the 5th Regional Forum on Education Policy organized by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP), Office for Latin America. Participating in the panel was aimed at reflecting on how information - in this case, obtained from large-scale assessment tests - is used and on which conditions could promote a better use of such information. This publication provides a comparative study (coordinated by IIEP UNESCO) of the uses of the information obtained from large-scale learning assessment tests taken in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, and Uruguay. It aims to explore the relationship between the intended uses of assessment frameworks and test designs, and their effective use in education policy decision-making (and to identify those factors that influence use). First, we describe the characteristics of the study. Second, we outline the research approach. Third, we briefly describe some findings from the original research. Fourth, we highlight some factors that explain the use of learning assessment test results. Fifth, we refer to the conditions for a policy of use for decision-making levels close to local management. Sixth, we propose some recommendations; finally, we provide brief concluding remarks.

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