The Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics Program: thinking globally in a regional context

Organisation(s): South-East Asian Ministers of Education Organization; UNICEF; Australian Council for Educational Research; UNESCO Office Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific

Publisher(s): Australian Council for Educational Research

Date: 2019

Pages: 15 p.


The purpose of this paper is to share information on SEA-PLM regional- and country- level capacity development activities, which are a defining feature of the SEA-PLM initiative. It provides a record of program activities to date and describes the program’s distinguishing features, goals and objectives as it moves into its first cycle of data with reporting planned for 2020. Key lessons learnt from the program’s activities are examined, which may have important applications for other countries involved in developing large-scale assessment programs. The paper concludes with a reflection of how the SEA-PLM program constitutes a critical component of participating countries’ SDG reporting requirements and offers a new regional tool to better respond to the changing needs of students in the 21st century.

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