Study on supporting school innovation across Europe: final report to DG Education and Culture of the European Commisssion

Organisation(s): European Commission. Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture.; Public Policy and Management Institute (Lithuania)

Date: 2018

Pages: 132 p.


The success of learners in school and in life is highly dependent on the capacity of education systems to address their diverse needs, and to keep pace with rapid societal and economic changes. To achieve this, education systems must become more flexible and dynamic, employing innovative approaches to learning and teaching, reconsidering the traditional roles and players in education, and opening up to a wider range of stakeholders and communities. This study seeks to consolidate evidence on the ways in which schools and education systems can embrace innovation and ensure that every child can realise his or her potential. By engaging in discussions with a variety of national stakeholders and looking at inspirational examples of innovative schools that have succeeded in transforming their pedagogical and organisational practices regardless of unfavourable conditions, this study explores what drives and supports sustainable innovation in education. 24 schools participated in the case studies.

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