Other title(s): Relatório holofote sobre a conclusão do ensino básico e a aprendizagem fundamental: Moçambique
Author(s): Batel, António; Morais, Emília; Martins, Flávia; Mucavele, Simão; Amaro, Soraia
Organisation(s): Global Education Monitoring Report Team; Association for the Development of Education in Africa
Date: 2023
Pages: 49 p.
The Spotlight series has two goals: Synthesize, analyse and clearly present comparative knowledge on challenges and solutions to achieving universal basic education (UBE) completion and foundational learning as a basis for support to regional peer learning mechanisms and national, regional and global accountability mechanisms; Support national and regional coalitions in the use of this comparative knowledge to move national education systems, plans, policies and budgets – but also international support mechanisms – in the direction of achieving UBE completion and foundational learning. Four research questions guided the study: What is the current state of Mozambique’s education system, based on the seven factors identified for the report’s analytical framework? What progress has the country made on achieving UBE completion and foundational learning skills? What challenges does the country face in achieving UBE completion? What solutions is the country pursuing to overcome them? What are the potential ways forward to foster foundational learning outcomes given the structural characteristics of the country’s system and the country’s current commitments to other goals.
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