Sharing, learning, leading: the E-9 and SDG 4

Organisation(s): UNESCO

Date: 2017

Pages: 10 p.


The E-9 Initiative was launched in the belief that progress in these countries would contribute significantly to global progress towards the EFA goals. However, an evaluation of the initiative in 2003 argued that high population, the principal distinguishing criterion of E-9 membership, was not a defining feature of international cooperation in education. The evaluation suggested that stronger regional and sub-regional partnerships would be better placed to support the international education agenda. Regional organizations have indeed been on the ascendancy, and increasingly include education as a common area of action. The nine countries may even have less in common now than they did 24 years ago. However, their individual and collective influence has grown, concurrent with their representation in regional and global forums. More than ever, their actions and positions matter considerably for the direction and success of the global education agenda. This note presents four areas where the E-9 could collaborate to advance the global education agenda: integrated policy and planning; financing of education; national learning assessments; and monitoring, review and reporting. Given the role of the Global Education Monitoring Report in the fourth area, this note closes with a summary of key issues from the 2016 report as they refer to the nine countries. An annex presents statistical information on key SDG4 indicators.

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