School self-evaluation an international or country specific imperative for school improvement?

Author(s): Brown, Martin; Gardezi, Sarah; Castillo Blanco, Laura del; Simeonova, Rossitsa; Parvanova, Yonka; McNamara, Gerry; O'Hara, Joe; Kechri, Zacharoula

Date: 2021

Pages: p. 1-6

Serie: International Journal of Educational Research Open

Series Volume: 2-2 (2021), 100063


Using multisite case studies in four European countries, the purpose of this paper was to explore school leaders and teachers views on School Self Evaluation (SSE), its role in school improvement and the capacity of schools to engage with the process. Evidence derived from the study suggests that although there is a consensus among school leaders concerning the potential utility of SSE; across some countries, there were also concerns relating to implementing the process and the potential misuse of SSE outcomes. When this was not the case, it is apparent that governments have driven the process with clearly defined legislation and defining the SSE agenda and outcomes to dispel school leaders’ apprehensions regarding the balance between SSE for accountability or school improvement.

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