Report on the concurrent validity and inter-rater reliability studies of UWEZO

Organisation(s): Australian Council for Educational Research

Date: 2015

Pages: 107 p.


As part of a broader evaluation of the testing tools and processes of four citizen-led, household-based assessments (the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER), Bɛɛkunko, Jàngandoo and Uwezo), the Australian Council for Education Research (ACER) designed two small quasi-experimental studies to investigate the concurrent validity and inter-rater reliability of Uwezo. The overall evaluation report is available here. The concurrent validity study explored the relationship between performance on Uwezo and performance on the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA)/Early Grade Math Assessment (EGMA) (ie instruments that themselves have confirmed validity and reliability). The inter-rater reliability study explored the agreement in the scores assigned to children’s responses to the Uwezo tasks by Uwezo volunteers and by an expert rater. Both these studies were conducted in Kenya with the support of Qdata Enterprises (the local implementation partner), the Uwezo regional office, Uwezo district coordinators and volunteers, RTI-Kenya personnel and individuals who had been involved in previous RTI-led implementations of EGRA/EGMA.

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