PASEC2019: education system performance in Cameroon Anglophone; competences and learning factors in primary education

Organisation(s): Conférence des ministres de l'éducation des États et gouvernements de la Francophonie; Cameroon. Ministry of Basic Education

Publisher(s): PASEC

Date: 2021

Pages: 263 p. + 21 p.

The CONFEMEN Programme for the Analysis of Education Systems (PASEC) is a tool to support the steering of CONFEMEN member states’ and governments’ education systems, to improve education quality. Created in 1991, it aims to provide information on the evolution of education system performance, to contribute to the determination and monitoring of education policy. Fourteen countries participated in the PASEC2019 international assessment: Bénin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroun, Chad, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Guinée, Madagascar, Niger, Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal and Togo. This assessment has enabled the measurement of pupil competency levels at the beginning and the end of primary school, in their language of instruction and mathematics. It has also analyzed the factors related to education system performance in the countries assessed, by the collection of contextual data from pupils, teachers and school headmasters, through questionnaires. This report presents the main findings of the assessment PASEC2019 in Cameroon.

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