Monitoring trends in educational growth: assessment framework for Afghanistan

Organisation(s): ACER Centre for Global Education Monitoring

Publisher(s): Australian Council for Educational Research

Date: 2016

Pages: 45 p.


The Monitoring Trends in Educational Growth (MTEG) program aims to achieve the breadth and rigour of large-scale international surveys while also addressing the unique needs and context of Afghanistan. The MTEG program will provide an ongoing measure of students’ educational progress at key stages of learning: middle primary school (Class 3), towards the end of primary school (Class 6), and towards the end of compulsory secondary schooling (Class 9). This MTEG assessment framework provides a statement and discussion about what the assessment intends to measure and lays out the principles upon which it has been built. It outlines an approach to assessing mathematical literacy, reading literacy and writing literacy. It also puts forward a conceptual framework for the context questionnaires.

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