Millions Learning Real-time Scaling Labs: emerging findings and key insights

Author(s): Perlman Robinson, Jenny; Curtiss, Molly; Hannahan, Patrick

Organisation(s): Brookings Institution (USA). Center for Universal Education

Date: 2020

Pages: 17 p.


Millions Learning, a project of the Center for Universal Education (CUE) at the Brookings Institution, addresses the question of how to scale quality education for all children and youth. The Center launched a series of Real-time Scaling Labs, in collaboration with local institutions in a number of countries, to generate more evidence and provide practical recommendations around the process of scaling impact in education. Over the course of five years (2018-2023), this action research project is accompanying initiatives at various phases of scaling in order to learn from, support, and document the process as it unfolds. The following brief provides a synthesis of emerging insights and learning from the Real-time Scaling Labs to date (June 2018-June 2020).

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