Key competences for all. Policy design and implementation in European school education: final report

Author(s): Looney, Janet; Staring, François ; Vicentini, Letizia; Wiśniewski, Jerzy; Frøhlich Hougaard, Karsten; Day, Laurie

Organisation(s): European Commission (EC)

Publisher(s): Publications Office of the European Union

Date: 2022

Pages: 135 p.

The overall aim of the study was to gather evidence on effective policy reforms for broad competence development in school education, including better achievement of basic skills. The six key objectives are: Objective 1: To understand the key features of policy design and implementation of reforms for broad competence development and achievement of basic skills in school education across the EU 27. Objective 2: To explore systemic conditions and policy reforms to support broad competence development and achievement of basic skills in school education in the EU 27. Objective 3: To explore in-depth the policy design and implementation strategies in five Member States that are more advanced in their reform efforts and that, collectively, are representative of different education systems in the EU. Objective 4: To explore how related reforms in curriculum, learning approaches and assessment and in teacher and school leader professional development have supported reforms for broad competence development and achievement of basic skills in school education. Objective 5: To understand how countries have adapted to changing challenges and circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, and in particular, improvements in digital capacities as well as readiness to adapt to distance learning support needs of families guiding their children’s learning. Objective 6: Through a detailed exploration of objectives one to five, to identify “lessons learned” and provide recommendations for policy makers designing and implementing policy reforms in diverse contexts for the development of broad competences by all learners.

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