How to improve the quality of primary and secondary education?

Organisation(s): Wathi (Senegal)

Date: 2017

Pages: 24 p. + 3 p.

Serie: Mataki

Series Volume: 4

The issue of the quality of primary and secondary education in West Africa is a major challenge for the future. It is necessary to mobilize all stakeholders and citizens of each of the countries of the region on this crucial issue. WATHI chose this topic for its debate to provoke an open and deep reflection on the most important structural issues the West African region is facing. The views, analyses, avenues for action highlighted do not put an end to the debate. Their objective is to install it in the citizen public space. The fourth debate of 2016 focused on improving the quality of primary and secondary education in West Africa. WATHI 5 proposes five recommendations to guide the collective action of decision-makers and citizens in order to improve the quality of primary and secondary education in the countries of the region.

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