Author(s): Varghese, N. V.
Organisation(s): International Working Group on Education; UNESCO IIEP
Publisher(s): UNESCO IIEP
Date: 2014
Pages: 145 p.
This document is the summary of discussions of the 2012 meeting of the International Working Group on Education (IWGE). The 2012 IWGE meeting focused on learning and on the central topic of From schooling to learning. It provided a forum for agencies and foundations whether engaged in or funding education to exchange views, scrutinize issues, develop a common understanding, and discuss strategies for intervention to maximize learning outcomes. The subjects debated included the poor state of student learning, effective systems for improving learning outcomes, impact evaluation, student assessment, investment priorities and action to enhance learning outcomes, and progress beyond the Millenium Development Goals (MDG) agenda in education. The IWGE Secretariat has now published two reports on the meeting. The first report produced soon afterwards was a summary report with conclusions and recommendations, while the second is the present book. Part One of this volume contains (a) a report on the ‘show and tell’ session concerned with recent developments in the participating agencies, and (b) a section on the summary and conclusions of the meeting. Part Two contains some of the papers actually submitted.