Author(s): Fisher, Mike; Maylahn, Paula; Pota, Vikas; Rappallini, Josefina
Organisation(s): T4 Education; EdTech Hub
Date: 2022
Pages: 40 p.
This study sought to understand in more detail how, during the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers and school leaders in low and middle-income countries approached assessing student progress when students were learning remotely. The study was undertaken in six countries – Bangladesh, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, and South Africa. The main method of data collection was focus group discussions with two held in each country. One focus group discussion involved teachers and the other school leaders. A two-step panelist screening process was implemented, which also provided quantitative data for analysis. It was evident from the focus group discussions that teachers had faced numerous challenges and obstacles in seeking to maintain learning provision for their students during the pandemic. The issue of how best to assess progress appeared a secondary issue to the key priority of finding ways to reach as many students as possible and then engage them in learning effectively.