Education in Zambia: findings from Zambia’s experience in PISA for Development

Organisation(s): OECD; Zambia. Ministry of Education; Zambia. Examinations Council

Date: 2018

Pages: 145 p.


The purpose of this publication is to present the results of Zambia’s participation in the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). The first five chapters provide a detailed and thorough analysis of what PISA data tells about students' performances in reading, mathematics and science, how this performance compares to students in other countries and what factors are most strongly related to this performance. In the sixth and final chapter, the report lays out the policy implications of the findings and results and points the way for strengthening those of the current education policies that are most relevant and to adapting others, including education policies from other countries that may be useful to follow.

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