Education in Cambodia: findings from Cambodia’s experience in PISA for Development

Organisation(s): OECD; Cambodia. Ministry of Education,Youth and Sport

Date: 2018

Pages: 149 p.


Cambodia’s participation in the Programme for International Student Assessment for Development (PISA-D) is one of remarkable growth and achievement in its education system. Over the past ten years, efforts to develop a comprehensive student assessment system have enabled the country to gauge student learning and to formulate policies for education improvement in terms of both quality and equity. Nonetheless, student assessment in an international perspective plays a key role in monitoring student learning progress and achievement in the midst of globalization and the pressing need of 21st century skills. This report is a result of collaborative work between Cambodia’s Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport and the OECD, aiming to identify and address education issues at policy and school levels in Cambodia. It examines multifaceted factors that affect students’ educational attainment, academic performance, health and well-being, and attitudes towards school and learning and suggests specific policy options that directly foster student learning. The report also provides an in-depth analysis of the experience of other high-performing countries, ASEAN countries and the PISA-D countries. Contents Chapter 1. Cambodia in PISA-D Chapter 2. Achievement and attainment outcomes at age 15 in Cambodia Chapter 3. Health, well-being, and attitudes toward school and learning at age 15 in Cambodia Chapter 4. Foundations for success in Cambodia: Resources invested in education Chapter 5. Foundations for success in Cambodia: The school and community environment Chapter 6. Looking forward: Policy options for Cambodia.

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