Citizen-led assessments and their effects on parents’ behavior: a synthesis of research on Uwezo in comparative perspective

Author(s): Carlitz, Ruth; Lipovsek, Varja

Organisation(s): Twaweza East Africa

Date: 2015

Pages: 17 p.


Citizen-led basic learning assessments intend not just to diagnose the problem of schooling without learning but also to remedy it by providing the public and policymakers with information that will spur action for change. Despite the enthusiasm for such assessments, we know relatively little about the impact they have on citizen action and learning outcomes. In order to fill this gap, Twaweza commissioned a series of rigorous evaluations of the Uwezo initiative, which are summarized and presented here. After providing some background on Uwezo, the authors describe the scope and methods of the evaluations, highlight and interpret key findings, discuss Uwezo’s impact in broader comparative perspective, and conclude with a set of recommendations. It is intended not just to present information on Uwezo but also to facilitate discussion around the effectiveness of citizen-led learning assessments and other interventions intended to inspire citizen action to improve public services. As summarized in this paper, parents whose children Uwezo has assessed, or who reside in communities where Uwezo assessments have taken place, are no more likely than their nonassessed counterparts to take public or private action to improve learning outcomes.

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