Challenges and opportunities in teacher education reforms

Author(s): Sarvi, Jouko; Tulivuori, Jukka

Organisation(s): Asian Development Bank

Publisher(s): Asian Development Bank

Date: 2022

Pages: 8 p.

Serie: ADB briefs

Series Volume: 224


This brief draws on the outputs of Asian Development Bank (ADB) technical assistance (TA) for Teacher Quality Analysis, implemented in 2021–2022. These outputs included a comprehensive literature review on global trends in teacher education reforms, and field studies on teacher education in four countries: Finland, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Uzbekistan. Drawing on these studies, the TA project designed and delivered online training programs on teacher education reforms for participants in Sri Lanka and Uzbekistan. This brief highlights key findings and recommendations from the studies, and identifies potential areas for future ADB support of teacher education in its developing member countries (DMCs).

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