Strategic planning approach


A management tool to help an organization to improve its performance by ensuring that its members are working to the same goals and by continuously adjusting the direction of the organization to the changing environment on the basis of results obtained (page 10).

Source :

Carron, G.; Mahshi, K.; De Grauwe, A.; Gay, D.; Choudhuri, S. 2010. Strategic Planning: Concept and Rationale. Paris: UNESCO-IIEP.

Example of use

Monitoring traditional plan implementation has been mainly concerned with making sure that the necessary inputs are being provided as foreseen and that the different activities are being carried out as scheduled. This is often referred to as compliance monitoring, that is checking whether the inputs and activities are in compliance with original plans and budgets. Strategic planning is different, since it considers compliance monitoring as not good enough and prefers to concentrate on whether the expected results have been obtained. In other words, the main emphasis is shifted away from compliance monitoring to performance (or results) monitoring (page 11).

Source :

Carron, G.; Mahshi, K.; De Grauwe, A.; Gay, D.; Choudhuri, S. 2010. Strategic Planning: Concept and Rationale. Paris: UNESCO-IIEP.