A school cluster is a grouping of schools for educational and/or administrative purposes. In a school cluster, several schools come together to share their resources to improve the conditions for the delivery of education. Clusters are a support strategy for schools, bringing together material and human resources so that the schools can benefit mutually (page 25).
Giordano, E.A. 2008. School Clusters and Teacher Resource Centres. Fundamentals of Educational Planning, 86. Paris: UNESCO-IIEP.
Basic education projects in several countries have set up clusters and resource centres as part of an effort to expand basic education and increase participation. Especially in rural areas where provision of basic education is limited, school clusters group incomplete rural schools with complete ones to provide the entire cycle of basic education, and link feeder schools to core schools to expand access (page 29-30).
Giordano, E.A. 2008. School Clusters and Teacher Resource Centres. Fundamentals of Educational Planning, 86. Paris: UNESCO-IIEP.