Promotion rate


The Effective Promotion Rate is estimated by the total enrolment net of repeaters for a given grade, as a percentage of total enrolment net of repeaters for the previous grade the year before.

Source :

IIEP-UNESCO Dakar; UNICEF; World Bank; GPE. 2014. Education Sector Analysis Methodological Guidelines. Vol. 1: Sector-Wide Analysis, with Emphasis on Primary and Secondary Education. Dakar: UNESCO. IIPE Pôle de Dakar.

Example of use

It is not enough to know, for example, the total number of students enrolled at each major level; it is also important to know how they are distributed geographically and by grade levels and programme areas; what changes are taking place in the profile of socio-economic background and of academic qualifications of the student body, together with key information about rates of promotion and attrition in different parts of the system (Coombs, 1970: 59).

Source :

Coombs, P. 1970. What Is Educational Planning? Fundamentals of Educational Planning, 1. Paris: UNESCO-IIEP.