Performance monitoring


The emphasis of this type of monitoring is on school results. Its goal is mainly to stimulate competition between schools in order to promote academic achievement. The most common monitoring devices used are the regular measurement of learner achievement by standardized tests and examinations, combined with the publication of league tables and systematic (external) auditing of schools.

Source :

IIEP training materials

Example of use

A  second  interpretation  of  the  concept  of  public  accountability  considers  that  all  potential  parents  of  a  school  are  its  public  and  that  they  all  have  the  right  to  be  informed  about  the  performances, the characteristics and the quality of all schools, so as to be able to choose the school most fitting for their kids. The scenario here is the one of a marketplace for schooling, which,  to  function  well,  needs  to  provide  the  public  with  relevant  information.  As  such,  several  countries  have  started  publishing  examination  results  by  schools  while  some  have  done  so  for  school  supervision  reports (De Grauwe, A. 2008: 11). 

Source :

De Grauwe, A. 2008. School monitoring systems and their impact on disparities. Paris: IIEP-UNESCO.