Inclusive education


Inclusion is basically ensuring that every child, adolescent and youth is taken into consideration equally by the education system. It is about guaranteeing fair and quality learning conditions, processes, and outcomes for all.

Source :

Opertti, Renato. 2017. 15 clues to support the Education 2030 Agenda. Current and critical issues in the curriculum 14. Geneva: UNESCO-IBE.

Example of use

Inclusive education does not mean dividing and separating students based on their “abilities”, nor physically integrating them into schools without adapting the infrastructure, curriculum, pedagogy and teacher roles. The focus should in fact be on the characteristics of each individual and how each person can learn more and better by being part of a collective learning space with peers and teachers.

Source :

Opertti, Renato. 2017. 15 clues to support the Education 2030 Agenda. Current and critical issues in the curriculum 14. Geneva: UNESCO-IBE.