Gross enrolment rate (GER)


The Gross Enrolment Rate (GER) is the enrolment at a given level of education, regardless of age, as a percentage of the population in the theoretical school-age group corresponding to the level.


Source :

IIEP-UNESCO Dakar; UNICEF; World Bank; GPE. 2014. Education Sector Analysis Methodological Guidelines. Vol. 1: Sector-Wide Analysis, with Emphasis on Primary and Secondary Education. Last accessed

Example of use

Gross enrolment rates (GERs) and net enrolment rates (NERs) are used to indicate progress towards universal access to primary education. These indicators calculate an index based on the number enrolled across the whole cycle of schooling, rather than grade by grade.

Source :

Lewin, K.M. 2015. Educational Access, Equity, and Development: Planning to Make Rights Realities. Fundamentals of Educational Planning, 98. Paris: UNESCO-IIEP. Last accessed