Gender Parity Index (GPI)


Ratio of female-to-male value of a given indicator. A GPI of 1 indicates parity between sexes; a GPI that varies between 0 and 1means a disparity in favour of boys; a GPI greater than 1 indicates a disparity in favour of girls.

Source :

Global Education Monitoring Report Team. 2003. Gender and Education for All: The Leap to Equality; EFA Global Monitoring Report, 2003/4. Paris: UNESCO.

Example of use

Worldwide, the Gender Parity Index (GPI) for adult literacy improved significantly between 1970 and 2000-2004, especially in the Arab states (from 0.34 to 0.69), East Asia and the Pacific (from 0.62 to 0.92), sub-Saharan Africa (from 0.49 to 0.76) and South and West Asia (from 0.40 to 0.66). In Latin America and the Caribbean, gender parity in adult literacy rates has almost been achieved, standing at 0.98 (Lind, 2008: 27).

Source :

Lind, A. 2008. Literacy for All: Making a Difference. Fundamentals of Educational Planning, 89. Paris: UNESCO-IIEP.